Monday, March 30, 2009

literacy--make plans

To make plans before anything shows a person's capacity of management. It is an important ability people should adapt. In 21st century, it is a fast speed society. People who know how to management and how to make plans lead them know better about their target and lead them catch this world better.
A well developed plan can save time and improve the efficiency. Time is limited for everyone, if a person can do more work in a certain time. Only hard work and fast speed movement is not enough. A better plan includes reasonable time use; break a huge amount work into small part; specific work in each stage, and an enough time for break. If make plans before doing anything, the plan you made is like a map to give you directions and always knowing about what is your goal and purpose, and also made you keep a clear head of wheatear you are in the right track or not. Plans can let you know the things you doing right now and also gives you a brief outline about your future. For example, when I took the trip to Florida, I made plans about where to go, which hotel to stay and how long we should stay in one place before we went there. If we do not have plan before we went there, after we arrive there we could feel confuse and lost.

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